Saturday, January 25, 2014


Last week the morning class and I did an experiment with fire. We first had a discussion about fire safety and then we conducted this experiment. Using a hard boiled egg and a milk bottle I placed paper in the bottle and lit it on fire. Next I quickly placed the peeled hard Boiled egg on the mouth of the bottle. (We had already tested the egg it would not go in the bottle even if I pushed) almost instantly the fire began to dim and the egg got sucked into the bottle. Our egg broke in half and we were able to do it a second time. The egg exploded on entry! In the past I have done this experiment with a slightly smaller egg and it didn't break up, it simply popped right in. Lastly we discussed the fires need for air and went over fire safety a second time. 
I can't wait to do this with the afternoon class next week! 

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