Tuesday, October 12, 2010

New things this week

Painting with one color. Painting at the easel is a challenging endeavor. The children are expected to attempt the following: 1) put smock on. 2) Get paper clipped to the easel. 3) Either print name on the paper, first letter of their name, or find a friend that can do it for them.
4) paint! 5) Put painting somewhere to dry. 6) Use the sponge (if needed) that sits in the soapy water under the easel. first squeeze it out until there are no drips and then scrub any paint that missed the paper. 7) return the sponge to the water, and return the smock to the hook. 8) tell the friend that has been patiently waiting that it is now their turn.

Pouring with liquid.- So far we have only been pouring with beans.

Cookie cutter painting!

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