Sunday, June 13, 2010

Final reminders:

What a year! Only 2 weeks left.
It has truly been a year of reading and printing. The progress from September until now is enormous. Some children have overcome a difficult pencil grip, broken free from tracing dots to make their name, learned a handful of sight words, read their first book, learned all the sounds of the alphabet, read their 100th book, counted syllables, and the list goes on and on.... No matter what the accomplishment was, we were happy to celebrate each and every one of them, we hope you are as proud of them as we are.

Reminder: Last day of school June 24th
regular classes am and pm the only change is "full day" children will go home at noon
Class party/show 11:30 - 12:00

Any Parent wishing to meet with me for a progress report please let me know and we can book a time.

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