Sunday, November 22, 2009

This week

Thank you to everyone for your warm wishes - Maureen is feeling good after her surgery and is awaiting radiation. She had a lump removed and the limp nodes are clear. Maureen is feeling well enough ( boredom is setting in) that she is able to pop in an do some sewing with the children. An hour here and an hour there to stay connected (and to keep me on my toes) with everyone has been so nice for all of us. I feel very lucky and am great full to have someone so close to me that cares so much.

Nov 23rd - 26th

We will continue our study of letter sounds - this week letter "c". you may have noticed we don't teach letter names but focus only on the sound the letter makes. vowels are introduced as short sounds only and after the entire alphabet is learned we then go to letter combinations like sh and ch. it is only when the child is reading well with short phonetic words we introduce the complications of long vowel words such as "bike".

We have explored many new things with our study of Japan. The Flag, Mt. Fuji and volcanos, fans kimono's, greetings, our names in Japanese, and so much more. Some things this week we will be the game "Menko" (pogs), create our own Torii ( gate to a shrine) and we will learn about zen gardens.

On Wednesday we will be making Sushi in the classroom. If there is a parent that would like to make the sushi rice (or has a rice cooker or is really good at at making sushi and would like to do it with us) for that day it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you to everyone that has donated items for our Japanese study the children have enjoyed them tremendously.

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